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  Books of Lore
"The Legend of Balekrun"
Page 8 of 10
  The Legend of Balekrun -- Page 8
  "This is an interesting section also ... our monk's personal stories. We have our own triumphs and failures, heroes and archenemies, little known beyond these walls.

But since you are truly an outlander, perhaps you will find it useful to learn of more recent events in our realm before you delve into our history.

Our newest field reports are here — in fact, there have been some interesting developments in a city called Kaynin.

I sense great forces in motion, converging on that place. I think the Prime Interpreter may be sending more of our brethren there soon."
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BOOKS OF LORE is copyright © and trademark ™ 2003 David Napoliello.
Published by Peregrine Entertainment with permission. All Rights Reserved.